
Table of Contents

What is a journal entry in Flint?

A journal entry in Flint represents work that you completed or are working on. Each entry includes a description, which can include details of work, the impact it had, and a summary of your approach. These entries provide valuable insights during performance conversations and highlight your contributions and growth within the organization.

What should I record as a journal entry in Flint?

You should try to include a range of journal entries, like completed tasks, instances where you've had an impact, or work that you spent time on. Journal entries may be components of larger projects, potentially involving collaboration with multiple individuals, and they need not always be entirely finished. Our recommendation is to add 2 to 3 new entries each week.

Entries in Flint can showcase both tangible and intangible work. Entries that represent tangible work may involve activities like creating a document for a new design, constructing a small tool, or devising a new widget. Entries that represent intangible work, on the other hand, might include actions such as mentoring a colleague, delivering outstanding customer service, or contributing to a positive team culture.

Pro-Tip: Are you proud of something you did? Add an entry in your Flint journal!

What are some examples of journal entries?

When adding new entries to your journal, be sure to include some background information, the impact of the work, and any useful resource links. These kinds of details help your peers give more helpful feedback by giving them the bigger picture. Check out some examples below.

Example 1

Presented innovative ideas and solutions during the project team meeting

  • Proposed 3 designs that cut costs

  • Recommended a machine learning algorithm for 15% efficiency improvement

Example 2

Provided mentorship to a new team member, and helped them navigate a tough cross-functional conflict

  • Mediated a complex interdepartmental conflict, achieving resolution in three weeks

Example 3

Designed and executed validation tests, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations

  • Developed a test plan to verify compliance with ISO 9001 standards

  • Executed the tests on a range of products

  • Generated detailed test reports, identifying non-conformities, leading to prompt issue resolution

Who should I share my journal entries with?

You can share an entry with anyone in your organization, including peers, team members, or individuals from different departments who are involved or knowledgeable of your work . After sharing, your peers will be notified in Slack, and be asked to provide optional feedback. For each journal entry, we suggest that you share it with 1-3 peers who have the most context about the work. Adding peers is entirely optional.