How Flint Works

Automate Shorter Feedback Loops for Consistent Success

Maintain Continuous Alignment

At Flint, we believe in a culture where managers and their team members are always on the same page.

Flint automates feedback for everyone, enabling them to close the loop more frequently. This ensures that everyone stays aligned on performance and expectations, fostering transparent communication and shared understanding.


Whether you're noting your role in project milestones or documenting a lesson learned, Flint’s journal is where you easily keep details about your progress and create an accurate record of the impact. Leverage journal entries help to keep you aligned with your manager.


Cultivate a growth mindset effortlessly with Flint. Our automated feedback model simplifies the process of exchanging timely insights with peers, enabling you to make meaningful adjustments when they are most impactful.


Closing the feedback loop is simple with Flint. Reflections provide managers with monthly checkpoints to assess team members' work, review peer feedback, and offer personalized coaching. Give teams an easy way to keep two-way conversations about growth and development going.

Benefits of Flint

Integrates tools

Flint uses AI to save team members time by creating drafts that include details about their work.

Leverages AI

Notifications and reminders are sent via Slack, making it effortless to create entries and respond to feedback requests.

Creates habits

Automated touch points allow managers to have consistent growth and development conversations.

Customizable features

Choose a feedback schedule that works for you and your teams, set it, and forget it.

Encourages feedback

Nurture a collaborative, agile culture where feedback is seen as a tool for continuous improvement.

Fairer evaluations

Minimize surprises during performance conversations and increase psychological safety.

Empower your teams and invest in their growth today